Friday, July 27, 2007

IMAX in a Basement

I'm sure other people are way more up on what's on YouTube than I am, but I thought this was kind of interesting.

Okay, he reminds me a lot of my ex-husband (pouring money into a bank of computers and then spending all his time there). The video is essentially a narrative of his struggle for proof of concept--he wants to make an IMAX movie about Saturn in his basement. Once you get past the weirdness of the concept, it's not all that hard to grasp. Why does he want this? Not sure. Apparently he was raised in a cult that forbade movies and computers, and he thinks Carl Sagan and Stanley Kubrik are the business.

But I have to say, the video is clever, and he certainly seems determined. He's looking for people to donate photos (no, not of Saturn) and money so he can achieve his dream. All donations are apparently tax-deductible, and every dollar goes to save his marriage. Okay, I added that last part, but it's totally true.

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