Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'm not at all sure that this is the Android device I'm looking for, but it's closer than the Streak. The Streak is sexy, but a) it's a Dell, and b) $100 per inch of screen is excessive. HDMI, etc. are nice, but probably not anything I need--I could wait until those things became more common and hopefully less expensive, and then I'll know more about whether/how I'd use the thing and be able to make a better-informed decision on a more expensive product. I'm just looking for an entry-level non-e-ink Android e-reader to compare to my Opus.

I need to see the difference between a resistive and a capacitive screen (I know capacitive is more expensive, so it must be better, right?) and I'd like someone to get into this Cruz Market and tell me what's in there, but honestly, this will be a lot closer to my needs and my budget. We shall see...

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