Saturday, February 07, 2009

If you happen to live in New York you have to check this out!

I am a shameless fellow. On two counts. First, I'm shamelessly avoiding work while I type this (but it IS Friday night, so shoot me), and second, I'm shamelessly stealing a link. The link is here, and it is to a story about a 130 year old tunnel in Brooklyn that was thought to be filled in but later found not to be. It's much more interesting than I'm making it sound, and they have tours! So if you're in that area you should take a look. The link was shamelessly stolen from Bill Harris's blog Dubious Quality. Happy Weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Okay, that is scary. Even scarier because it is Not That Far from where I used to work.

Worth checking out, but I might wait until spring....